To kill a king She survives, but her memory doesnt

To kill a king

She survives, but her memory doesnt. Thats not the only problem, as she notices changes in the personalities of the people around her. At first it could be dismissed as just a result of the car crash, but she quickly realizes something more sinister is at play here. Im of two minds when it comes to this movie. On the one hand, it does have a cool setup and the ending is effectively done. On the other hand, it has what could kindly be described as a deliberate pace. Glacial is another term that could be used. Furthermore, there is a tendency to try to be a little too stylish at the expense of all other factors. The slow-motion car crash is a perfect example of that, as a movie with pacing issues such as this one really doesnt need to slow things down. Strong performances are the tie-breaker and make it worth checking out, but there are too many flaws for any real replay value. Chris Carmack plays Sam Reide, a man with the ability to travel through time, sort of. He can send his consciousness back to any point in his life and inhabit his body. He uses this ability to help the cops solve crimes, with the help of his sister, Jenna. He pretends to be psychic, because its easier to explain that than being a time-traveler. Jenna is dependent on Sam for rent and food, but Jenna makes sure his brain doesnt meltdown during his jumps. Shes a little messed up, because when they were kids there was a fire that killed both their parents. We learn that it also killed her, but Sam used his time travel ability to save her. When he did so, he was breaking one of his cardinal rules of time travel, never change your own history. Hes about to do it again. Elizabeth Brown, the sister of his murdered girlfriend, Rebecca, comes to him and asks him to look into the case, because she thinks the man who is about to be executed is innocent. His plan is to just travel to the past to observe, but of course he tries to save her. When that doesnt work and he returns to the present, his life is a mess. Instead of working with the cops to kill a king crimes, he is the lead suspect. And now he learns he created a serial killer. He keeps trying to jump back in time to fix this, but every jump just seems to make things worse. While watching this movie, I was reminded of Bring It On and its sequels. I know, it sounds like a strange comparison, but hear me out. Each of the numerous sequels to Bring It On were not really sequels, as they had little to no connection with the characters from the previous films, but were instead closer to remakes. This is the to kill a king here, as it is practically a remake rather than a true sequel. So how does it compare to its predecessors? better than the second film, but not as good as the first.

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