Mrs henderson presents are all compressed formats

Mrs henderson presents

are all compressed formats. Then you remove the RIDDLE of DRM, and the file will be about 1/4 the size, AT MOST. Figure the Full movie will be in PARTS. DVD size in chunks about 750 meg EACH and 1-2 DVDs6-7 parts on each disk. BR Disk, Im not sure CHUNK size might be 2gig. so about 2-3 files. WTF do you mean by ing for the old people to die off. ? My parents are old-timers, and both are very computer literate and they also have a Blu-Ray DVD player, which, theyve learned the hard way, has been basically crippled by DRM bullshit. Personally, I will never buy another DVD. I dont need the dont steal a movie finger-wagging when I JUST FINISHED BUYING THE FRAKKING DVD, nor do I want to sit through ten minutes of Disney ads where they copyright stories that are, in fact, public domain. I am convinced more and more that people are just plain stupid. Too many years of TV dumbing us down, I suppose. I think the BR rip was mrs henderson presents 10 gb. I dono check the torrents for the highest quality, not the crappy ones that will rang from 900mb to 2gb. Accordingly to the forums at slysoft, the makers of AnyDVD HD have managed to crack this new encryption in only three days. Good work Fox. The pirates only had to wait three days but youve managed to piss off thousands of legitimate customers as well as brick various Blu-ray players. i saw avatar on dvd while deployed to afghanistan about a week after the movie was released to the theaters. and the subtitles when the blue people were speaking were in german. Why in the world would anyone want to buy their DRM encrusted POS disk that you cant skip the previews on and it wont work in some players? I can think of a few other reasons why you wouldnt want to buy the disk, but the above is at the top of the list. How can they really expect the people forking over the money to stop downloading when they release this crap? If the AAs want to win the war against pirates, the AAs need to loose their war against the consumers. Look at the options! Buy a drm infected Blue Ray that may or may not work on your player, can be scratchedbrokenlost, can only be played in certian regions, you cant skip the previews, and calls you a thief when you play the damn thing even after you buy it. Or download it in hours, play it on what you want, when you want, where you want, and never have to worry about a scratched/missing Give the people what they want, and torrents will vanish. They only exist because of a need, remove the need and everyone What reason is their to ruin a legitimate users movie watching experience after the damage has already been done? DRM has never ever been about stopping piracy. It has always been about control, or at the very least, a last grasp at control. no finger wagging from me. I am a proponent that we change piracy and pirates to stealing and thieves. I feel it is a much better description and you an throw other peoples misplaced moral outrage back at them when you dont care. I for one, am a thief. and mrs henderson presents proud of it. Take your morals and shove it. yes we need to call kids and disabled people and hard working people thieves for a piece a plastic that costs 50 cents and you charge 80 for. AND we ned to call them thieves for acquiring stuff that is 49 years old because in canada its a 50 year copyright and we need to make sure that the actors and musicians get paid CRIA lawsuit buy 300000 artists OF ALL NATIONALITIES and that the labels get govt money when they have record profits Quebec govt gives warner brothers 75 million as they setup a games shop in montreal PS his own son used BITTORRENT got caught slap on wrist so arrest the son of the CEO of warner brothers first toss the fucker into jail so we can pound his ass like a good lil rich boy. AND then labels also need all that ACTA laws so that no more non commercial use is alowed and in canada you would get the 20000 dollar infringment fine for commerical infringment. Then when poor guy cant pay he goes to rpison for 5 years, THIS IS PER MUSIC TUNE so to YOU 18 you come with all that acta and bring the swat team cause you can only get life in prison once and im a take a few assholes out on the way. GEEE isnt this new attitude i have great and who created it? YOU 18, YOU AND YOUR GREEDY KIND, WE WILL ROCK YOU It was available on torrents the same/next day depending on your time zone. So I guess they had the new DRM cracked before Avatar was released and/or got hold of a copy early I would assume it is the ones who are saying the disc plays normally and doesnt have any un-skippable crap. DRM sucks, but upgradable DRM is part of the BD standard and something that should be anticipated for by the manufacturers. If your really high-end BD player doesnt have a firmware upgrade coughDenoncough its not the media companys fault. Also, BD rips are not full quality. The sound is often very downsampled. obvious troll is obvious. Piracy however you want to spin is, is not, nor will it ever be equal to theft. Because no actual goods were taken.

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