Boogeyman vs john cena 2010 So

Boogeyman vs john cena 2010

So why would you consider yourself African American? White Caucasian not European American, most have never been to Europe Black? not African American, most Blacks have never even boogeyman vs john cena 2010 to Africa or can tell much about it What does that mean????? You have to have VACATIONED at a place to be of that descent??? What makes you AFRICAN AMERICAN IS THE FACT THAT AFRICANS WERE BROUGHT OVER TO AMERICA AS SLAVES. OVER TIME THESE AFRICANS WERE BORN IN AMERICA. I UNDERSTAND THAT it may be a little come on!!! You have to be kidding with that statement!! What do you with darker colored skin, or black people, or african americans just popped out of the blue sky??? NO HONEY. AFRICAN AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE FROM SOME WHERE. ORGINALLY. Im that just didnt make ASK ME ABOUT MY MUSIC PAGE!!! The terms white and black as used to classify race. People feel free to discuss race all you want. It is what it is. We can agree to say that Barack represents both races if you want to be technical about it. King spoke of this day and its finally here OMG, somebody pinch me CONGRATULATIONS BARACK OBAMAMR. PRESIDENTCOMMANDER CHIEF This is a defining moment in history! Im so proud that people came together from all backgrounds to make this happen. It shows what we can do. Now the real work begins. May God Bless Barack Obama, Joe Biden, their families and the people that will be their advisors. God Bless America boogeyman vs john cena 2010 the rest of the world. race was purely one because alot of Osama votes only voted for him because they considered him Black even though hes a White African American. If you truly believe that then you are truly ignorant and i hope you dont jump off a building in the next 4 years. If you were to do your facts and check on things before you speak such foolishness then you would know that at least 43% of the white american voters voted for Obama. 43%? McCain didnt beat him by a landslide on that did he? 7% aint ish! Young white American voters voted for Obama at 54%. Voters who have over 200, 000 in income voted 52% for Obama and you think this race was won primarily because only the black people voted for Obama? Again you are really ignorant and if you wanna do some fact checks please by all means check the exit polls for the national spot for president on CNNs website. Oh and calling Obama Osama was really brilliant but is something i would expect from a 3rd grader whether you like it or not Barack Obama is your president also LOSER!!! LMAO! Having a dark skinnedBLACK WIFE and kids is all the PROOF I NEED cuz there are BLACK MEN born HERE that cant get that part right!!! KOBE, Cuba Gooding Jr. , Wesley Snipes, Dennis Rodman, Ice T, Dave Chapelle and on and on. Italy was delightful.

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