Adam lambert american idol black or white

Adam lambert american idol black or white

You allow competitors to see your mistakes then come behind you and execute what you attempted to do better. There is a mantra about being the first one to do something. You allow competitors to see your mistakes then come behind you and execute what you attempted to do better. People also seem to forget that the Sony Betamax was the first home videocassette recorder on the market in 1 A lot of good that did for Sony. And closer to home, Apple beat IBM to market with personal computers by several years, not to mention predating Microsoft with mice and the point click GUI. I told friends in 1983 that the mouse was going to be the next BIG thing, but nobody would listen to me. Ive known plenty of people loyal to Toshiba TVs. However Sony probably the mindshare with the avg joe sixpack. I cant count how many times Ive heard Sonys the best. You automatically know this person has seen too many Sony and Bose commercials LOL. First to market is an advantage albeit a small one. Where Blu-Ray is going to hurt is price unless they can get price parity within a generation or two. I think they can but Chinese HD DVD players are going to set the pricing trend by end of 2007 from what I read. Titles available at retail June 20 from SPHE Bessons visually stunning The Fifth Ultraviolet, the first day-and-date BD title from SPHE will debut one week later on June Resident Evil Apocalypse will debut on Blu-ray Disc July 25th. Is Milla Jovovich one of the major investors in Blu-ray or something?:p Digitals sterile tag only comes about because its TOO good at sound reproduction. Not really. Digital is just a representation of the original analog source. If it was recorded digitally it was probably done at 24bit/92KHz originally and then dithered down to 16bit/ 1KHz for the CD format. Its clean but flat sounding. Too much information is lost. That is why it is sterile sounding. The CD is a rather poor format for adam lambert american idol black or white digital music accurately. It will always be a compromise as that was the best they could do adam lambert american idol black or white the format was first introduced without splitting albums into two discs. Most of my LPs sound better overall than my CDs of the same recordings. On the other hand comparing them to a DVD-A or SACD of the same recording can have different results. They are closer to the original recording and sound far better than the CD format. Of course it depends heavily on what type of music you listen to. Its too bad these formats are languishing in the marketplace as they can actually make digital sound good. Most people are not concerned with sound quality though. With so much distorted and over processed junk being produced these days it often doesnt matter. What were we talking about? Oh yeah. HD Video formats. Both the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray groups have screwed up adam lambert american idol black or white launches in different ways. Im on the side of Blu-Ray but honestly I want to strangle them sometimes. Is Milla Jovovich one of the major investors in Blu-ray or something?:p No, but Milla Jovovich in HD is something worth investing in. ; So Im interested, now that the titles in both HD-DVD and BD are out/coming out, what does MMC mean practically speaking? Do the cases advertise that you can make a legal copy of the movie for your personal use I doubt it? Is it a full quality 1080p copy? or a DVD quality one 480p? Or an iPod quality one?: Or can you choose? Or does anyone even know, considering these next-gen drives arent available for computers yet? Im guessing that Apple has the opportunity here to really set the standard for how to handle this MMC stuff. It seems so chaotic and unorganized: a perfect opprtunity for Apple to come in, clean up the mess, and start the ball rolling: an iTunes for your video collection. Sorry to kind of change the tide of the recent discussion, but I just had a thought/question. HD-DVD has the backing of the DVD forum, correct? So if it were to flop, and go under, the DVD forum would basically do the same as Blu-Ray took off, and it outpaced sales of DVDs over time. Would the DVD forum allow this? Wouldnt they want to keep there group together, and have the winning next gen format? Arent there over 200 members in the group, with many getting royalties off the name? I dont know, just something I started thinking about. Correct HD DVD has the backing of the DVD forum, but it is pretty much a baseless backing. This is due to the fact that most of the companies that are a part I mean a really good part of the DVD forum joined the Blu-ray Disc Association BDA and a good portion of them decided to be Blu-ray exclusively. Why? I think it had something to do with the way like changing the way absentee votes were counted HD DVD when about championing their format within the forum, thus a mass move to the BDA.

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