The nutty professor jerry lewis dancing

The nutty professor jerry lewis dancing

Anyway, well let you if and when the official announcements happen. In the meantime, might as well get those pre-orders ; Site designed for 800 x 600 resolution, using 16M colors 89a animation. Part 2 of 2057 the City coming tomorrow. This was part 3 of 5 in this series, part 4 tomorrow and stay tuned for more 2057 Videos coming your way each day. This is a waterfall in the rainforest on our property. I never get tired of walking to this spot and just sitting and watching the water flow over the rock face. Kumi Naidoo is the Global head of Greenpeace. He is shown in this video being hit with freezing water fired from water cannons as he tries to draw attention to the madness of drilling for oil in such an ecologically fragile area. If you agree that this madness must stop please comment away. For a glimpse into our future check out part 1 of this 5 part video series below. As one of the comments states, humans are natural procrastinators! Please spread the word, get your local members of parliament to vote to do something real about managing global warming. We seriously need to implement real change to stop climate change. Two baby Bear Cubs separated from their mother in the Sichuan Province of China have been found by a chinese farmer and have themselves a home. Tian Shogui found the baby black bears on the nutty professor jerry lewis dancing farm when he heard them crying. After seeing no sign of their mother he decided to care for them. Finning is thinning the world s shark population at an alarming rate. Between 70 and 100 Million sharks are killed every year, most of which end up in China, where affluent Chinese can eat Bloody Soup. As the video eludes, this destruction of Shark numbers will have a catastrophic effect on the oceanic ecology. This is the nutty professor jerry lewis dancing another in a line of We are not that big in the whole scheme of things. I would nt like to be an early explorer trying to circumnavigate some of these huge planets or stars. Just what will we experience here on Earth if the temperature rises by Six Degrees. Watch the video and you may get some idea. Global Warming is happening. Places are drying up. Just to give an example that I have experienced, When I was a young kid I lived in Canberra, which is the capital city of Australia. We would regularly travel past a place called Lake George when visiting relatives who lived about 6 hours north of Canberra. My memory is that the Lake always semed to be full everytime we would pass it. For a number of years in the period around 1975 to 1983 this lake was regularly full or close to it. For the last 20 years or so that I have regularly travelled past the lake, it always seems to be dry or almost dry. Now this is just one example, however many people that I speak to have mentioned similar stories about more regular dry spells in the last 20 years or so, especially in Southern New South Wales in Australia. You may have similar experiences from when you were younger, or you may disagree with me, either way I would like to hear from you through our comments. Apparently our own Sun has been a little quiet of late. With fewer sun spots and magnetic fields which are a little weaker than usual.

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