The Brothers Grimm Update

The Brothers Grimm

Update: Nintendo informed us that the deal is in fact active until midnight, Pacific time, tonight. Theres still time! Wasnt there only a limited quantity of this available? How is it not sold out yet? Whats wrong with you people? There probably was, but the website issues were unrelated to any shortage amount, and Nintendo of America having the amazing customer service they always do, its probably just going to print more copies of the CD to make up for all the issues. Dick Socrates Whats that? I cant hear you over the sound of Diddy Kong Racing coming from my 19 television. Do you have any guilt for trolling without an original idea? Cant wait for your RROD zinger on the next Xbox thread. What I dont get is that the games are good and often introduce many new ideas. Who cares who the mascot of the game is. As long as it plays well I will buy it. I got mine in around 5pm EST yesterday. Logging in took a little longer than usual and those damn surveys took a while to load, but everything else was pretty smooth. Little Mac already got his! I dont get it. They are sending you a disc with just music on it? This wont play on my iPod. Who has discs with just music on it anymore? I have this feeling that a lot of people are using a computer to register to receive this soundtrack. I also have a feeling that people with iPods use computers to put music on their iPods. I have one more feeling that you can put a CD in your computer, unless you dont have a CD Rom drive, and rip the music onto your computer. After that, you can move your music to your iPod. Some people are collectors? Whoops, for some reason I decided I needed a double post script, even though theres only one. Typo yay! It will play on your iPod once you load the CD into itunes and rip it to your library. it does seem kind of silly to send this out to everyone, they do direct downloads from club nintendo already the screensavers so downloading is possible from the site I love The Brothers Grimm there are people who seriously argue with you. I was about to be all over this, then I saw you have to have the game. Ive been looking for an Ocarina of Time CD for weeks and dont The Brothers Grimm to pay 35 for the original on amazon Theres always buying the CD off eBay from someone who knows how much people really want it. I bought the game just for the cd, dont even have a 3DS yet. Will prob get one In a few weeks. Prob my favorite Zelda game to date. Glad to hear ill definately The Brothers Grimm the cd. Before this game came out I didnt really see anything that made the system worth getting. As much as it sucks shelling out money for nintendo consoles for exclusives I always love their franchises and wind up getting their systems for them. Now I guess I just need to find a copy of the game, I damn. I went yesterday afternoon and it was sold out everywhere. Brutal. Uncle Jesse I hear ya, I called like several stores near me, which ranged from Gamestop to Target and Walmart, none had any left. Then, when I thought all hope was lost, a Best Buy 30mins away had some in stock, and upon getting there, they had TWO copies left.

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