Dune NY-GOV covers the New York governors race


NY-GOV covers the New York governors race. Tags do not compound: that is, education reform is a completely different tag from education. A tag like reform alone is probably not meaningful. Are you sure you want to remove this diary from your hotlist? Are you sure you want to remove your recommendation? You can only recommend a diary once, so you will not be able to re-recommend it afterwards. Rescue this diary, and add a note: Are you sure you want to remove this Dune from Rescue? Choose where to republish this diary. The diary will be added to the queue for that group. Publish it from the queue to make it appear. You must be a member of a group to use this feature. Are you sure you want to remove this diary? The diary will be removed from the site and returned to your drafts for further editing. The diary will be removed. Are you sure you want to save these changes to the published diary? If this is OK, click Post: Or you may make changes below and Preview again, or Cancel this comment. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. Gandhi Kos Media, LLC Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified Kos and Daily Kos are registered trademarks of Kos Media, LLC What would you like to ask? I have asked this before but very specifically please, answers only from men that experienced sex uncut and then got circumcised which way feels better? Feels better for HIM not for her. I don t want to hear about the hygiene, appearance, religious, social aspects etc just which way, cut or uncut FEELS better to the owner of the penis. Ok, 50/50 results. Anyone want to break the tie? In the real world, you can t lose thousands of nerve endings and have anything but a negative result. Nerve damage can only result in loss of sensation. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either fooling himself, or he lives in a fantasy world where sensory impulses pass to the brain through a magical process that doesn t involve the nervous system. By the way, your question is almost certain to attract biased responses. In asking for responses from only men that were circumcised in adulthood, you re going to get responses from people who have a vested interest in pretending that circumcision is beneficial. After all, it s not as if they can ever get back what they lost, so viewing it as a positive is a more attractive option than accepting that it was a mistake. People lie to themselves all the time, even when the Dune is easier to take. When there s no going back, it s almost unthinkable to admit that what was done was a bad thing.

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