Dreamcatcher danny fernandes I

Dreamcatcher danny fernandes

I personally dont think much will change. It will be the same stuff going on that we have be experiencing for the last 8 years. The only difference is there will be a black man in the drivers seat and some how people have fooled themselves into believing that will soften the blow. It will not provide dreamcatcher danny fernandes people with the level playing field you are expecting. When the shyt really hits the fan, Barack will be the blame as the captain of a sinking ship. In the mean time, programs that have been used to our advantage will become no more. I could go on but I realize that it is falling upon ignorant and deaf ears. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE IT AGAIN BABY!!!!! YES WE DID!!! WE CAME TOGETHER!!! MLK THIS FOR FAMILY AND A WHITE FAMILY TOGETHER IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!! CAN THE CHURCH SAY AMEN!!!!! YEP ALL CAPS CUZ IM cuteandkinky sista, sista dear sista if u are really that are you? what has gotten into you during this glorious time?? do you have children or lil cousins or brothers, or neices and nephews?? if so this historic moment is a key taht can never be taking from them oru or us for that matter?? please reconsider your position on this and over stand the importance of it a beautiful day sista 9201 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago Im here never seen any other side of his family never had to deal with anything blacks go thru hes African, not black and we all know most Africans do not consider themselves Black and they actually dislike Black people His pastor is black, his wife Michelle is black, his color and pigment is black, his children are black, mainstream media refers to him as black, his birth certificate and citizenships refers to him as African American as does mine, he likes. his mannerism are black, and you are – he dealt with what blacks go through by the mere color of his skin! Read his book. He experienced racism at home and in the streets. But You can call CNN, fox, cbs, abc and Nbc and let them know that he is white. I would love to hear their responses. Please post them tomorrow. MAMA!!!! OR PAPA! ENUFF SAID. U HIT IT RIGHT ON THE NAIL BABAY!!!! YEAH, I HAVE A PIC PENDING. ITS A PIC IM GOING TO PUT ON A SHIRT. PPL ASKING ME TO MAKE THEM A SHIRT AND I FOUND THIS PIC OF THE FAMILY TOGETHER. I STILL REALLY CANT BELIEVE IT S LIKE IM DREAMING. My sweet lost you can not clown me As I have stated in the past, I have been called worse by better. I will not waste energy or stoop to your level by calling you names. I am above you. All I will say is once all is said and done, I hope you have your land and you gun because shyt is about to get deep. If my failure to join the masses causes you to question my sistahood or lack there of, I feel good because I would rather dreamcatcher danny fernandes for something than fall for anything. Many of you have fallen. I hope your prayers will be enough to save you. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE fire4u the last thing I want to do is sound condescending. I am far from that but as i said before, many people voted because of the race card and dreamcatcher danny fernandes the issues. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE I AM SO PROUD OF COUNTRY RIGHT NOW!!!! WE DID IT, NOT JUST BLACK PEOPLE BUT A WHOLE NATION OF DIVERSITY. CHANGE IS GONNA COME!!!! When the shyt really hits the fan, Barack will be the blame as the captain of a sinking ship. In the mean time, programs that have been used to our advantage will become no more.

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