Beastmaster 2 through the portal of time

Beastmaster 2 through the portal of time

Our network of videogame-related properties, GameSpy, FilePlanet, TeamXbox, 3D Gamers, Direct2Drive and others is the webs number one videogame information destination and attracts one of the largest concentrated audiences of young males on the Internet. We also own and operate the popular movie-related website, Rotten Tomatoes, and one of the leading male lifestyle websites, In addition, we provide technology for online game play in videogames. read more Do you ever get the feeling that your best interests arent being accounted for as a consumer. Do you ever get that sneaky suspicion that some articles have some underlying motives? Marzetta may like posting info from web rags but I havent trusted the media in years. In the end, there will be a victor and a loser in this format war. The jury is still out on this assertion. There might very well really be two loosers if the number of consumers needed for critical mass decide to sit this one out. In reading through the various posts by Maz and Hutch one thing continually comes to mind the earliest early adopters seem to have more money than sense. Is Sony total insane, or just partially. Sony to raise game prices?story9901 more expensive console more expensive games more money made!!! Thats got to be the thinking, right? If 85% of the games are made for both systems, beastmaster 2 through the portal of time both will look the same, but one costs me less to get started, and less for the game, why would I buy the PS3? I am sure EA titles will cost the same on both platforms, but then there is still the fact that I can get the Xbox 360 for much less. And it has a solid and known online interactivity layer Xbox arcade, Xbox live, etc. As for the knows. The more I read online about the PS3 and Sony, the more negative stuff I hear. I cant recall the last positive article I saw about the PS Are people still thinking that the PS3 is going to sweep this round? Is it still going to be the big player in the hd-dvd/blu-ray format war? BIs Sony total insane, or just partially. Sony to raise game prices?story9901 more expensive console more expensive games more money made!!! The sony exec is playing safe. I fully expect PS3 games to cost beastmaster 2 through the portal of time than PS2 games, just like Xbox360 games cost more than Xbox games. Its a new technology thing. The sony exec is playing safe. But if you are playing it safe, why even throw out the 100 figure. When asked, why not just given no comment, or say something like prices will reflect what the market allows, or we will be in the same range as the 3 Even if the Sony guy knows prices will be more, you dont throw out the high ball figure, because that is what people will be left talking about. But if you are playing it safe, why even throw out the 100 figure. When asked, why not just given no comment, or say something like prices will reflect what the market allows, or we will be in the same range as the 3 Even if the Sony guy knows prices will be more, you dont throw out the high ball figure, because that is what people will be left talking about. As a guess, and knowing journalists, he was cornered: How much will PS3 games be? 39? 59? 99? The Sony PR droid is probably a nervous wreck by now. Man the PS3 is certainly becoming the game console for the middle class and up. Microsoft must be licking their chops here. Well see of 6 million people feel the Sony is worth it. Man the PS3 is certainly becoming the game console for the middle class and up. Microsoft must be licking their chops here. Well see of 6 million people feel the Sony is worth it. Here in the UK pre-order games are ¸49 RRP, whereas PS2 is ¸39 RRP.

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