Shi gan dang This bytch stole

Shi gan dang

This bytch stole that girl pics PRETENDING to be her. Do you now see the difference between this and your situation? Do people read CAREFULLY now-a-days? whether it make sense or not. Just because of what happened to you. But you dont see me crying about it. I dont have internet feelings! And what I can 10 times worst. Its like you want me to be the person that stole your pics off your page? Why is that, to justify your little action? but I surely wasnt the only one that didnt like know that. So stop it. Toughen up and get over it. And you are not t think I dont ! Thank God I lived to see this Day! YOU SAID IN YOUR POSTS YOU ARE NOT BLACK. THE PERSON ON YOUR AVATAR IS CLEARLY A PERSON OF COLOR! CLEARLY!!! NO MATTER HOW YOU SPIN IT, THAT FUNNY LOOKING THING IN THAT GREEN DRESS IS A COLORED PERSON FROM MAYBE? EITHER OF COLOR. ARE YOU USING SOMEONES ELSES AVATAR, YET YOU ATTACK US ABOUT USING AN ALTERNATIVE AVATAR? YOU ARE WIERD!!!!! I shi gan dang reading your posts this one made me fall out of my chair. LMAO Ive been focusing on the positive post so I havent read hilite or nortonwelfares post, your probably right new screen name new picture same old stupid. I am happy for the naturalized citizens that were able to vote this election. I forgot to mention them. That is another small victory. It is unfair that this country would expect a naturalized citizen to go to war for this country but would not allow them to have a hand in picking the leaders. Congratulations to them. LOVE, TRUTH, PEACE, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE I am truly happy for Barack, Michelle, sasha, mylea!!!! I know this was personal accomplishment for them as well as America. Congratulations to Our 44th President elect Obama!!! Our beautiful first lady Michelle Obama and the beautiful girls!!! Thank you lord for this beautiful gift that is truly priceless!!! 20 RIMS AND FRIED CHICKEN FOR EVERYONE!!!!! Will someone please teach Michelle Obama how to dress. She look so ghetto with that red stain on her dress. Please democatic party, doing something with at women. Will someone please teach Michelle Obama how to dress. She look so ghetto with that red stain on her dress. Please democatic party, doing something with at woman. BITCH MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK! I LOVE OBAMA MAN! ITS A NEW STAND UP! WE ARE NO LONGER IN A MINORITY HOE WE IN AUTHORITY! clara and notowelfare, cutenkinky You do not need to continue with extra deep throating mccain muddy hemorrhoids you brok back biotches. I went to your myspace page and I looked at your pictures with no comments because you are one ugly biotch. you need to change your name to not-cute-just-ugly. It makes sense for you not do any close up picture. Maybe if you change your heart people will forgive your ugly face so you can take closeup pictures. MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK AND CANT GET NO BETTA!! Look here Abercrombie you shi gan dang you made about rims and chicken was not the businss. We had a WHITE MAN as president for the longest time. It is our time now BIT. I bet this country will be better than it has ever been because a BLACK MAN is in office. Dont hate because your WHITE MAN loss to my BLACK MAN. BARACK OBAMA IS THE KING OF THIS WORLD NOW BIT So you can go sit on a hot rock!!! This post has the most comments ever! Imagine Our President is Black!!!! in January go Obama! Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. MESSAGE TO WOMPWOMP I READ YOUR COMMEN MISSY AND DO NOT PLAY LIKE YOU HAD NO ROLE IN THAT STEALING OF PICS FROM MYSPACE HOE CAUSE YOU WERE APART OF IT SO YOU JUST AS BAD AS THE DONT TRY TO PLAY LIKE YOU KNOW ME IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM BECAUSE YOU NOR NOONE ELSE ON MTO KNOWS ME PERSONALLY, MEANING YOU NEVER MET ME IN PERSON NOR REALLY CONVERSATED LIKE AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST FAKE ASS BITCH DONT SAY THAT YOU LIKED ME WHEN YOU KNOW YOU NEVER DID AND NEVER WILL AND THE FEELING IS MUTUAL. BTW IF I WAS NOT STRONG I WOULD HAVE MASKED UP OR NEVER CAME BACK TO MTO SO NOTHING YOUR PALS OR SO CALLED PALS DID PHASED ME OF DISCUSSION!IT JUST PROVED HOW IMPORTANT I AM ONCE AGAIN! COMPRENDE???? LOL!!! She aint postin that BS now.

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