Couples retreat part 1 hd This

Couples retreat part 1 hd

This statement is not only true because you can get the full HD Player for less than 200 right now, but because it has the capability to play all of its currentover 200 and any possible future titles via Ethernet and/or disc updates to its firmware. Unless Blu-Ray adds this feature to its players other than the PS3 you end up with a NEED for more than one BR player before couples retreat part 1 hd next-gen entertainment devices arrive. And couples retreat part 1 hd the PS3 lover above the PS3 is a horrible video game console due to lack of titles as well as compatability problems with the GH and Rock Band hardware/SCAM for starters. My Elite plays ALL games best1080p including 2007 Game of the Year BioShock and Rock Band WITH the GH hardware. So dont throw your 360 away get a job/better job so you can afford both. Blu-Ray had a much greater storage capacity than HD-DVD. It was a no-brainer. It seems like more of these comments are complaining about a hatred of Sony rather than speaking about the benefits of either format. And those widely touted DVD/HD combo hasnt someone mentioned that they were often faulty. HD-DVD seemed to be a lot smarter. It is strange how video game consoles are in the middle of DVD wars. Both BR and HD-DVD are a great format we will miss HD-DVD. In this world of gotta have it right now Im laughing at you HD DVD/Microsoft xbox geeks today. I was content to hang on to my PS2 until the time was right. When I heard Warner Bros. had sided with Blu-ray I went out and bought the King of them all 80gig Playstation 3 which will be upgradeable for years. Since I didnt give the losers all my fun money, Ill really be enjoying the Blu-ray victory. Hooray for Sony, Hooray for me! The SMARTEST teams won today! I do feel bad for the consumers that picked the wrong horse. Honestly this HDM war could have been avoided if Tosh/Sony had compromised in the beginning I made the decision go with Blu with a PS3 this past fall used primarily for movies rather than games because of the future tech capability and all the studio/hardware manufacturer support. HD-DVD was definitely more mature as far as the spec is concerned but IMO that didnt do much marketing wise against all the ps3s/stand alone couples retreat part 1 hd in the market. also a built in hard drive for storing more music and movies and family picture slideshows oh yeah, Sony has made it eay for anyone to swap out to a bigger hard drive! sweet! also SD card and Memory Card slots for popping them out of your camera and putting them right into the PS3 to view your pictures, with cool slideshow features built right in! ALSO you can surf the web from the couch with its built in TV web browser, and with or without the optional wireless keyboard support! AND OF COURSE you get to play the nextnowgen games of the PS3! Sony really has it made, even I cant see any fault in the PS3 as the BEST Blu-Ray player for consumers who want the most for their money! Does this mean more companies will make Blu-Ray players and bring the prices down? Or does it mean that Sony can charge even more for licensing and keep the prices up? Watch out, Sony. Flash card memory will soon fall to 50 centsGB 10 minutes AVCHD/h. 264, making most video discs uncompetitive. I have owned a Toshiba HD DVD player now for 2 t regret buying it as its superb, upscaling standard dvds to 1080p picture is great and so are the HD DVDs. Also have a PS3 so i can purchase both formats on Discs so i was future proof! lol, but will be getting hold of some HD DVDs as they will be cheaper now! I have an xbox 360 with a hd-dvd add on and a ps This is the 3rd xbox in 14 months. It is loud, cheap looking, bulky and i only own because I enjoy the games. My ps3 looks like an expensive component, quiet, sleek and nice looking in my home theater. MS simply is incompetent when it comes to hardware. I have 4 HD DVD machine 1 being the xbox 360 add on. I also have a PS3 which I use for blu ray disc. I feel that HD would have been victorious if the xbox 360 were equipped with HD players rather than the add on.

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